The Importance of Water for Health
You get halfway through the day and then you realise you’ve barely consumed any water, and as much as you know you need it, the hustle of life tends to get in the way. A big part of this may be that there is a lack of understanding of what water does for you, your body and your mind. This blog will look at a few reasons why we need water for our everyday health and practical ways to help you get enough of it.
Amongst all of the other body parts, water actually makes up for a large amount of your body weight and plays a key role in helping to keep your brain, body and tissues hydrated. So it’s essential for us to maintain adequate water levels to support the health of these and ensure that they can function as effectively as possible.
During your day, your body loses water through sweating, breathing, exercise, digestion and being in areas of high temperatures. These are all-natural functions of the body to support you in everyday life. By way of example, sweat is your body's natural response to being hot, and a way of helping it cool down. The problem only begins where we do not replenish the water we lose through these daily activities.
To break it down into information that will hopefully resonate with you, here are a few roles that water plays in helping to keep your body healthy;
Water helps to keep your body and brain hydrated, maximising physical performance and mental focus
It is also needed to help you create saliva, which is responsible for breaking down our food, allowing your body to absorb the nutrients more effectively and put them to use.
Water supports your digestion by flushing out excess waste through sweat, urination and bowel movement
When we are adequately hydrated, water can also act as a lubricant for the joints and the spinal cord making everyday movements more comfortable.
Now that we have some context of how water can help us lead healthier lives both mind and body, the big question is what does a healthy intake of water look like?
For each person, this will vary depending on their level of activity, climate and any underlying health issues. But these 4 points should help keep you hydrated and maintain adequate water levels.
Start your day with a glass of water
Drink a glass of water with each meal
If your urine is dark in colour this may be an indication you are dehydrated
When you feel thirsty, as your body knows you best!