Online coaching

the leading programme for anyone looking to build a lean body, healthy identity and become a better disciple of jesus christ

  is Online coaching right for you?

The people we’re known for helping have struggled to be consistent with their fitness journey, leading to a world of frustration and lack of confidence. Along with feeling distant from God.

By nature they’re ambitious people and most other areas of their lives are proof of that. But these two areas have always felt like a choir, and ones they’ve always struggled to conquer.

what’s actually stopping you being consistent?

a lack of guidance and accountability


 So what makes my Online coaching different?

christ centred

Everything we do is based on the word of God.

We don’t just give you a plan, a few recipes and send you on your way. We actually do life together. Walking through every season with you, whilst continually renewing your mind and transforming your life.

We are the only programme committed to both your physical & spiritual growth .

what will i get out of the programme?

Online coaching Benefits

guaranteed progress

Our signature “90 Day Conviction Builder” guarantees you’ll be leaner, fitter & stronger within your first 90 days with us.

the consistency blueprint

Hijack all the tools we use to keep our members consistent, regardless of how busy life gets.

Bible & prayer 101

No more struggling to get through the Bible and prayer. Understand how to get more out of the Bible, and your time of prayer.

kingdom relationships

No more feeling like the odd one out. Do faith & fitness with a group of people who have the same convictions as you do.

renewed mindset

A disciplined mindset built upon a healthy rhythm and not mundane habits.

unshakeable identity

An identity that isn’t easily shaken by a few failures, but is established upon timeless principles.

 What’s Included?

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personalised training plan

personalised training plan

Weekly email check-ins

christ centred discipleship

Detailed nutritional GUIDANCE

expert nutritional GUIDANCE


world class tools & resources

DAILY support via WHATSAPP

Quarterly reviews & ad-hoc support calls

Progress tracking & REVIEWS

progress check-ins & continual feedback

 What my clients are saying:

SARA’S Testimonial

My online coaching IS for you:

  • If you’re a highly ambitious individual.

  • If you’re somebody with a desire to make an impact.

  • If you’re someone who is committed to continual growth.

  • If you’ve been wanting to build a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.

  • If you’re willing to be honest, open and accountable.

 My online training IS NOT for you:

  • If you’re after a quick fix.

  • If you aren't willing to be held to a higher standard.

  • If you’re only focused on self and not how you can impact others.

  • If you don’t want a biblical approach to your health & fitness.

  • If you’re looking for a face to face personal trainer


Here's a selection of results that my Online coaching clients have achieved:

 Ready to take your results to the next level?

Here’s How to get started…

Step 1Fill out the application form below to enquire, and I will get back to you within 24 hours.

Step 1

Fill out the form below to enquire.

Step 2If successful we will arrange a date and time for a free consultation, where we will assess your goals.

Step 2

If successful we’ll schedule an assessment call , where we will discuss your goals and current struggles.

Step 3We will then build a plan around your goals, and start your journey to a redefined life.

Step 3

We will then build a plan around your goals, and start your journey to a life redefined in Christ.


 Fill out the below form to apply for online coaching: