The amount of times I tried to lose weight and simply didn't know how to do it... I always thought of getting a personal trainer but was hesitant, not knowing what to expect, worrying that I would be throwing my money away and frankly, afraid of the commitment.
I would be lying if I said I hadn't 'felt all of those things when I signed up to Meek Fitness. Nonetheless, I have quickly realised that by trusting Meek I have invested into the better version of myself. He was there every step of the way, guiding me troughout the process.
As a generally active person, I probably needed more guidance with the nutrition side of things as I knew absolutely nothing about food and what I should eat to get the results I wanted. Initially I was shocked to hear that Meek would not actually create a meal plan for me so I knew what to eat - however by doing so, I was forced to LEARN what to eat and make it a lifestyle, rather than a temporary phase, where I would go back to where I had started as soon as I left the programme.
Another thing that made me hesitant to sign up was the fact that I have joined the Redefined Community whilst already being injured. I thought that it would hinder my progress and I would not be able to achieve the results I wanted, and yet again, Meek proved me wrong. He always had my well-being in mind and adjusted the programme especially to me and my needs, coming up with alternative exercises if some of them were a bit too difficult for me due to the injury. He always listened and altered my workout plan accordingly, even at times when I was away and would not have access to the gym and all of the equipment.
Meek also proved to me that you can lose weight AND become lean by doing strength trainings - and there I was thinking that I was going to lose weight by doing cardio every day. Had I known this sooner, I might have saved myself a lot of time and frustration, and avoided an injury I have been dealing with for a long time now, which very likely stemmed from too much running and overdoing it.
I wanted to keep this review short, but it was difficult too summarise Meek's greatness in one paragraph. He is an incredible coach who will work with you on both personal and professional level, making the journey so much more exciting and fun. Meek has definitely helped me gain back my body confidence and taught me a lot about fitness, nutrition and everything around it.
I recommend Meek to absolutely everyone who wants to achieve their goals, has got the desire and determination to do so, but lacks the knowledge and guidance to get to the finish line. Meek will be there, and will go above and beyond to get you where you want to be. And more.